Nextdoor, Nixle - Know Your Neighborhood
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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Hits: 3976
Two valuable and free resources can keep you informed and bring your closer to your neighbors. Both are available for your smartphone or you can monitor them from your favorite social media platform.
Sign up for a free account at to receive updates in and around your neighborhood. Everything from lost cats, free stuff, police activity and suspicious people in your neighborhood can be found at Nextdoor.
All the major neighborhoods in San Leandro have active members keeping each other informed and helping one another.
Sign up for and you'll find that the San Leandro Police Department is there, as well as the Alameda County Fire Department, and the East Bay Regional Park Police.
Help Reduce Crime Through Neighborhood Watch
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- Written by: Gayle Hudson
- Hits: 11501
Your Eyes and Ears Have Made a Tangible Difference
The recent decision by the Federal Court instructing the State of California to reduce prison overcrowding will result in the early probation of 848 non-violent felons over the next three years in Alameda County. [Crime Increase Likely Police Chief Tells Council, San Leandro Patch, December 2, 2011]. This is troubling news for cities already dealing with strained police department budgets and is worrisome for residents living with crime in their communities.
One of the most effective tools residents have in their power and which police departments depend on to help them deter crime is Neighborhood Watch. Last summer, calls from residents on Victoria Avenue led to the arrest of an unregistered sex offender as well as two women burglarizing a home (called the 'suitcase burglars' because they walked through neighborhoods with a roller bag and entered unoccupied homes). The two woman were wanted for a string of burglaries in San Leandro and had managed to stay just a step ahead of the police until a neighbor on Victoria Avenue witnessed them breaking into a neighbor's home. In addition, residents took down the license number a young man speeding down Victoria and repeatedly returning to lay down tire marks on Melven Court; he received a visit from San Leandro police officers at his home in Oakland, where his father was notified of his son's activities.
At a Town Hall meeting for Districts 5 and 6 last October, SLPD Crime Prevention Officer Tim Degrano asked the audience for a raise of hands to indicate how many residents were involved in a neighborhood watch program. In the main library's lecture hall, filled nearly to capacity, I counted only seven hands raised. While residents were asking the SLPD what the department was doing about crime, they were missing one of the most effective methods for deterring crime - watchful residents alerting police to suspicious activity and individuals in their neighborhoods.
Neighborhood Watch begins with a meeting hosted in a resident's home or a public meeting place. A SLPD crime prevention officer will attend the meeting to help organize the group, distribute materials and update residents on crime statistics in their area. An effective way to keep Neighborhood Watch strong is by building community. Each September, BNA Editor Mia Owsley organizes a block party, where the street is shut off to traffic, neighbors bring potluck, children play and everyone enjoys a relaxing afternoon visiting with friends and getting to know new neighbors. On my block, we hold the annual National Night Out on the first Tuesday in August, when neighbors are encouraged to participate in sidewalk potlucks, exchange contact information and receive visits by the fire and police departments. Target is a national sponsor of National Night Out and our local Target provides free paper goods and toys to those hosting a potluck for National Night Out.
Last year, Patricia Minnis of Estudillo Estates and Citizens For a Safer San Leandro, City Councilwoman Pauline Cutter and I took turns walking the Bancroft/Dutton business district with SLPD Crime Prevention Officer Kerry Kovach. We met with business owners in the area and found them to be welcoming of our visit, committed to our community and responsive to the Business Watch information Officer Kovach provided. We will continue to visit these businesses this year to assist them in resolving issues while encouraging them to maintain a strong Business Watch.
Neighborhood Watch together with Business Watch is the best way residents can assist local police departments in preventing and deterring crime. The San Leandro Police Department and Citizens For a Safer San Leandro are available to help neighborhoods throughout San Leandro establish Neighborhood Watch. Please contact Jenny Crosby, Crime Prevention Unit at 510-577-3252 or
Video of Lt. Tankson on Recycling Theft
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- Written by: Connie Stephens
- Hits: 5068